jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Text 79 Chaucer's The Parson's Tale

Our Modern translation:

After avarice comes gluttony, which is explicitly against the commandment of God. What Gluttony is?. Gluttony is an unmeasurable desire to eat or to drink, or anything else to satisfy this unmeasurable desire to eat or to drink. This sin corrupted all this world, as is well shown by the sin of Adam and Eve.
Who is accustomed to this sin of gluttony, he may withstand no other sin. He must be at the service of all the vices, that is in the Devil's treasure is where he hides himself and rests. This sin has many species of different types of Gluttony. The first is drunkenness, which is the horrible sepulture of man's reason; and therefore, when a man is drunk he has lost his reason; and this is a deadly sin. But truly, when a man is not accustomed to strong drink, and perhaps he doesn’t know the strength of the drink, or he has feebleness in his mind, or has worked hard, from which he drinks too much , therefore he suddenly caught by drink, it is not a deadly sin, but venial.
The second kind of gluttony is that the spirit of man gets into trouble because drunkenness takes the discretion away from his wit. The third kind of gluttony is when a man devours his food and has no correct manner of eating. The fourth kind of Gluttony is when, through the great abundance of his food, the moistures in his body become disturbed. The fifth kind of Gluttony is forgetfulness is produced by too much drinking, whereby sometimes a man forgets in the morning what he did even the night before.
These are the five fingers of the Devil's hand by means of he draws folk into sin.

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